This is Flat Lion's journey around the world. He was born in San Francisco, CA. He travels via envelope from place to place. So far, he has been to Mountain View, CA; Lyons, CO; Dublin, Ireland; Santa Monica, CA; and Peru. His next stop is Australia!

Flat Lion's Travels

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Destination #5: Peru!!

I took Flatlion all the way to South America on my trip to Peru. We first went to Lima, Peru where we made our way to the National Museum.

Inside the museum we tried to find flatlion some jewelry fit for a king, but they wouldn't let us take any.

Before leaving the city of Lima, we had to stop at the zoo so flatlion could hang out with some of his family.

Our final destination in Peru was Machu Picchu also known as the Lost City of the Incas. You can't see the top of it but on the mountain that flatlion's head is in front of is Wayna Picchu.

This is actually up on Wayna Picchu which looks down at the main Machu Picchu area. It almost took two hours to hike to the top of it. The previous picture was taken at the very top left point of this picture.