This is Flat Lion's journey around the world. He was born in San Francisco, CA. He travels via envelope from place to place. So far, he has been to Mountain View, CA; Lyons, CO; Dublin, Ireland; Santa Monica, CA; and Peru. His next stop is Australia!

Flat Lion's Travels

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Destination #6: Arches National Park

Whew! I'm pooped. I just got back from a trip with Li and Cat to Moab, Utah. We went on a 10 hour hike through a place call the Fiery Furnace in Arches National Park. It was so much fun!

We squeezed through small spaces between rocks. We scrambled up and down cracks in the rock, just like little crabs. We also used ropes to get down a few cliffs.

I repelled down a 120 ft cliff with Cat. We were both sooooo scared. Can you see me in the photos below?

The rocks were so beautiful because they eroded over time. Lots of wind, rain, and something about lots and lots of salt caused the really neat shapes. Check out this one; it looks like Homer Simpson!

The other one looks like a skeleton head. Do you see the eye balls?

Here's a video of Li squeezing through a tight spot.

It was easier for me to get through because I'm so tiny compared to all of the adults on the trip.

Next time I got to Moab, I want ride my bike! Too many fun things to try. Bye Bye!

1 comment:

FabricFascination said...

What a neat concept. Love seeing the travels of the flat lion.