This is Flat Lion's journey around the world. He was born in San Francisco, CA. He travels via envelope from place to place. So far, he has been to Mountain View, CA; Lyons, CO; Dublin, Ireland; Santa Monica, CA; and Peru. His next stop is Australia!

Flat Lion's Travels

Friday, September 14, 2007


Haha, hello down there! I think we're flying above you right now.

Tosh was born in August, so he's a lion, too. We're sitting in the airplane flying to Colorado and we're bored, so we've been practicing roaring to pass the time. I'm the loudest, by far!

Oh-oh, the flight attendant just came by and told us we have to be quiet because we're bothering the other passengers, so we can only purrrrrrrrr until we land.

It was funny when we went through the security check to get to the plane. They told me I had to empty my pockets and take off my shoes, so I had to tell them that I don't have any pockets and never wear shoes!

Tosh has a window seat, but he gave me the window. It's really cool, I can see all the mountains and deserts that we're flying over. Tosh is trying to read a book, but he's not getting very far because I keep telling him to look at everything I'm seeing. He doesn't mind, though. He likes the view, too.

Here comes the flight attendant again, to bring us something to drink. When I stick my snout in a glass of cola, the bubbles tickle me and always make me sneeze, so I think I'll get an orange juice instead. Anyway, that's more like the color of my fur, so if I spill some it won't matter.

Okay, talk to you more tomorrow. We're going to go for a walk in the mountains.

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